July 26, 2007
July 24, 2007
Listening to the written word
Posted by STORIDIVA at 8:17 AM 0 comments
July 17, 2007
Green it up will ya!
Kinda sounds like "GROW UP" doesn't it? Something your parents used to say. Well folks we are in it up to our sweet little necks. The chickens have come home to roost, the cat's in the cradle, who let the dogs out? We did it all and I am thinking that the powers that be are NOT happy.
Mother Nature has put her hand’s on her hips and asking "what the #^$%@#(@ are you all doing?"
Okay I am not about to pontificate on things you all ready know, like how millions of forests have burned out and how the floods have devastated the mid and south wests, or how the snow trails up to Mount Everest are now beginning to look like yellow brick road. I am hoping now that we are beginning to see the painful destruction of mother earth that we will at least do something to slow the process. Just ONE Eco-efficient light bulb is a start, I am replacing all mine.
Posted by STORIDIVA at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Bend it like MONEY
Is it just me or has Celebrity endorsement gotten way out of hand.
GA-Zillions? Isn’t there anything else we can do with that money? Yeah Yeah! I know WHY they do it, its to get US to pay for their products so that THEY can pay them. Whew! I think I just answered my own question. Having said that, BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM, DAVID… I think I might just have to shell out the ducats too.
Posted by STORIDIVA at 6:22 AM 0 comments