July 24, 2007

Listening to the written word

Everyone knows I love AUDIO books. It started when I was working at a job that required me to spend endless hours testing , re-testing and tri-testing data for one of the largest health insurance carriers in the country. BORING!
Like most women I live in multi-task town ( because we have to) and was able to do my work effectively while enjoying a damn good read. (not to mention keeping annoying mundane conversationalists away. I have acquired quite an extensive list of books that I have listened to from 2002 to present on an excel spreadsheet. The anal part of me categorizes them, rates them, and I do have a list of the audio readers that I like. Some famous, others, not so much. Brad Pitt has a great narrative voice (Interview with a vampire) and does a wonderful job on westerns. Alison Fraser (not so famous) has a great Highland Scottish voice in both the female and make point of view.
I've found that a lot of biographies are read by the author, which gives it a little more personalization. Speaking of that, I've read quite a few and I can tell you, some famous people give it ALL up and others just tease around the edges making you wonder, "OKAY WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME."
I guess you you're wondering do I listen and drive. Yes I do. But to me its no different from listening to your favorite radio station or someone yammering at you in the car. HEY! if people can keep a cellphone to their ear like they were born with or or surgically attached, then a little tiny ear plug or shoving a cassette or CD in the slot is not going to hurt anybody. I do it when I garden or just sitting in my back yard enjoying the breeze. (we get good ones).
Some people can 't wrap themselves around Audio books, but I love them and if you start, you you really need to get a good one so you don't get turned off by a bad read. If you want to know what's good, lemmie know. I got a list.

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